Driving Average Order Value and Conversion Rate by Incorporating ‘Frequently Bought Together Recommendation’ Feature in NYKAA Fashion App

Vinay Juneja
12 min readJun 4, 2023


An Attempt to Increase the Average Order Value and Conversion Rate within the NYKAA Fashion App, In Just 48 Hours😯.

48 Hours Product Design Challenge Brief!

I designed a feature that allows Users to Purchase Products they are interested in buying in a complimentary manner with the Products already in their Cart.

Final Solution

Final Prototype of Frequently Bought Together Recommendation

Final Prototype Link

Nykaa Fashion App — Frequently Bought Together Recommendation Feature:

Assumed User Group: Daily users of the Nykaa Fashion app.

How This Feature can be beneficial for the Business?

  • Enhancing User engagement and satisfaction through personalized product recommendations.
  • Boosting conversion rate by encouraging additional purchases.
  • Increases average order value through complementary product suggestions.

Assumed User Needs:

  • Users who seek convenience in finding complementary items. and those Users who want to discover related products that complement their purchases.
  • Users who appreciate a curated selection of product combinations for decision-making.

Feature Description🫣:

• Designed a feature for recommending frequently bought together products.

• Utilizes user behavior and purchase history analysis for personalized suggestions.

• It Enhances the shopping experience of the users by helping them to discover the relevant products.

This feature addresses user needs, improves the shopping experience, and delivers significant benefits for the business, including enhanced engagement, higher conversion rates, and increased average order value.🤌

So, To Design this Feature, I did Secondary Research, i.e. -Competitor Research, Took Soo Many Inspirations, and did UX Behind UI of the different apps, Just to Understand the Flow of the apps and behavior also, and then from Low-fidelity to High-fidelity Prototype and then Usability Testing and then Iteration according to the feedbacks from users (All these things in Just 48 Hours)!

So, Are You Ready Users to Buy More of those Complimentary Products which you are interested in with Soo Much Ease?

Well, I Hope So!🤌

What is so special and important about this above-mentioned Feature?

Giving Users the Ultimate Priority & Freedom, while thinking about How they will Behave with this Flow.

Some Explanation for the Users🤌

For those Users who want to Buy Some More Similar Products while adding products, this feature doesn’t exist in NYKAA Fashion App, And then Users struggle a lot when they are not able to get some more similar frequently bought together products according to their Buying Habits. So, I tried to solve this problem of the users in this 48 Hour Challenge, (And, Actually That was the Problem Statement on which I worked on)!✨

Took Help of ChatGPT for some of the part of the Design Challenge.
Given Below.⬇️

Here it is, How ChatGPT helped me somehow to strengthen my Design with Proper Reasoning, User Flow, and Soo much more.🤌

Context: Nykaa platform offers a wide range of products from different brands, including makeup, skincare, haircare, fragrances, and personal care.

Nykaa’s current user interface has a search bar, category-wise filters, and a product listing page where customers can browse and purchase products. However, there is no feature that suggests products based on what customers frequently buy together, which could help customers discover complementary products and increase the average order value.

The Feature with Some Before-Hand Explanation

Impact on Business Metrics: “Frequently Bought Together” Feature in Nykaa Fashion App

Increased Average Order Value (AOV):
1) Suggests complementary products, boosting AOV per purchase.
2) Encourages customers to buy additional items they may not have considered.
Improved Conversion Rates:
1)Reduces time and effort to find complementary products.
2) Provides relevant suggestions, leading to faster purchase decisions and higher conversion rates.
Increased Customer Engagement:
1) Offers personalized and convenient shopping experience.
2) Meets customer needs and preferences, fostering engagement and repeat purchases.
Improved Product Discovery:
1) Introduces customers to new products they may not have known about.
2) Expands product exposure and encourages exploration of new categories.

“Frequently Bought Together” Use-Case with Flow (Some Hypothesis by ChatGPT):-

Product Detail Page: One of the most common locations to display the “Frequently Bought Together” section is on the product detail page. By showing relevant and complementary products on the same page as the primary product, the feature can increase the chances of the user adding more items to their cart and increasing their order value.

Cart Page: Another location to display the “Frequently Bought Together” section is on the cart page. After the user has added items to their cart, the feature can suggest complementary products that other users have purchased, further encouraging the user to increase their order value.

Checkout Page: Finally, the “Frequently Bought Together” section can be displayed on the checkout page. This can be particularly effective if the user has already added several items to their cart, but has not yet completed their purchase. By showing relevant and complementary products, the feature can help the user to finalize their purchase and increase their order value.

But, Can We Skip to the Most Important & Brainstorming Part?

The 3 Top Most Impactful Decisions which I took in this 48 Hour!

1st Impactful Decision- Use-Case of the Feature- This means Where I should Integrate this Feature into the Nykaa app to facilitate user decision-making and increase purchases.

2 Use-Cases that kept me confused for Hours!😨

And Then, I started Secondary Research, to understand the Flow and Behavior of Competitors.

Direct Competitors which I Researched a lot for My Context🤌

Research on Direct & Indirect Competitors Flow and How Does the Feature Behave in Certain Manner in These Apps?

Direct & Indirect Competitor Research for NYKAA Fashion App

After All the Brainstorming and Research on the Direct & Indirect Competitor Apps, I got lots of Insights, which helped me to think about 2 Use-Cases of the Frequently Bought Together Recommendation.

Use-Case 1 of Frequently Bought Together Recommendation🫣

1st Use-Case of the Feature

But, What are the Pros and Cons of having this Feature over here, When You have just added a Product to the Bag (For the Users & Business Metrics to be Considered)?

Pros (For the 1st Use-Case):✓

  • Increase in average order value (AOV) through cross-selling opportunities while showing the recommendation firsthand (means before coming to Checkout/Cart Page), By Giving the Recommendation, it can help the user to Buy some more products which would they have thought of to buy according to their buying history.
  • Improve conversion rate by guiding users towards complementary products before they even move out to the Checkout Page/Cart Page, thus making it more tempting for the Users to buy more Products also from the Recommendation.

Challenges and Cons (For the 1st Use-Case):❌

  • Potential distraction from the primary purchase, leading to longer browsing sessions and sometimes it can lead to drop-off from the Main Purchase, which can impact the AOV (Average Order Value) and Conversion Rate.
  • Risk of overwhelming users with too many options or maybe a cluttered interface which can diminish or hinder or even worst, Users having a very bad Experience with the App, because of too many options and clutteredness.

While the 1st use-case of adding a “Frequently Bought Together” feature after adding a product to the bag has its own advantages like enhancing AOV and user experience, but there are some challenges also, such as distractions & overwhelming presentation that have to be carefully addressed to ensure a seamless and positive user experience.

Use-Case 2 of Frequently Bought Together Recommendation 🤌

2nd Use-Case of the Feature

But, What are the Pros and Cons of having this Feature over on the Checkout Page, When You Click on View Bag (For the Users & Business Metrics to be Considered)?🫣

Pros (For the 2nd Use-Case): ✓

Pros (For the 2nd Use-Case):

Enhancing cross-selling opportunities: Showcasing frequently bought together products on the Checkout page provides relevant suggestions based on users’ buying history. Increases the chances of adding complementary items to the bag, boosting sales.

Increase in average order value (AOV): Placement of recommended products encourages users to consider additional purchases. Improves overall AOV and revenue for the business.

Improved user experience: Personalized recommendations offer a tailored shopping experience. Makes it easier for users to discover and add relevant products to their cart.

Ease in decision-making: Showcasing frequently bought together products on the Checkout page helps users in their decision-making process. Reduces time and effort required to find complementary items.


Potential distraction: Recommended products on the Checkout page may distract users from completing their purchase. Users might be tempted to explore additional options instead of finalizing their order.

To address this: NYKAA Fashion app can create a user-friendly interface that guides users through the checkout process smoothly. Ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience for users.

By incorporating the “Frequently Bought Together” feature on the Checkout page, NYKAA Fashion can take advantage of cross-selling opportunities, increase in AOV, and provide users with a seamless and very personalized shopping experience to them. With careful attention to mitigating potential distractions, ensuring accurate recommendations, and minimizing distractions. Thus, the 2nd Use-Case Placement of the feature is the most impactful decision I took, which tries to enhance both user satisfaction and business metrics.

2nd Impactful Decision- Add To Bag Option in the Product Recommendation.

Add to Bag Option

Why it is soo much important for the Business and User to have this option on the Product Card in the Checkout Page?🫣

Importance for the Business to have this Option of- Add to Bag on the Product Card itself in first-hand
Importance for the Users to have this Option of- Add to Bag on the Product Card itself in first-hand

Some Most Important UX Laws which tells That Why Add to Bag helps the Users:-
1) Visibility: Ensuring that the “Add to Bag” option/button is displayed properly on the product card, making it very easy for the users to understand its purpose.

2) Clarity: Using clear and concise word on the button, such as “Add to Bag” or “Add to Cart,” it clearly communicate the action the user will take.

3) Consistency: Maintaining the consistency in the placement and design & the color also of the “Add to Bag” option/button across the web or app, it allows the users to quickly recognize and interact with it and thus, Users not having any confusion with the interaction, and Following the Design of NYKAA Fashion App.

4) Feedback: Providing visual feedback when the user clicks on the “Add to Bag” option/button, such as a confirmation message or any type of animation, or just a Remove Button displaying after click on Add to Bag Button, indicates that the action has been successfully executed.

Add to Bag Animation
Some Cons of Not Having to Add to Bag Button/Option
Some Pros of Having Add to Bag Button/Option

So, That’s Why I decided to add this- Add to Bag Button/Option to each and every Recommended Product in the- Frequently Bought Together Products Recommendation Feature & Obviously there were soo many competitorr research and all, which I’m gonna tell you in the end, Because You are seeing Clarity over here, But When I started, I was in total ambiguity, But that’s when you bring the best, brainstorming part before that ambiguity part to show.🤌

3rd Impactful Decision- Doing Iterations in the Feature After Usability Testing

That was the Toughest Part, Because When you give 100% to bring this feature onto a high-fidelity Prototype, but Now You have to make some changes after Usability Testing according to your Constraints.🤌

So, Yes- After doing Usability Testing with 3 People, I did some minor iteration (Showcasing below)⬇️

Before and After Usability Testing
Critical Feedback which I got from the Users after Usability Testing

Now, To Iterate What I did?

I started to observe the Consistency & design System and the Style Guide of their Previous Recommendation Section

And, Then A Recommendation Section I found very reliable, which helped me to understand these things✨

This is one of their Existing Recommendations Section
Iterations Which I Did with Explanations

Concluding, My Impactful Decisions So far which I have taken in this 48 Hour Journey So Far!🤌

So, From Ambiguity to Clarity, Journey has been like this-

From Ambiguity to Clarity (The Journey of 48 Hours)

How I’ve Researched A Lot & From Where?. (The Not Soo Good Part for You)

Some Direct & Indirect Competitor Research to understand about the UX Behind UI and about the End to End Flow of about Where- Frequently Bought Together Recommendation is Coming (Particularly, Use-Case which helped to me in My Reasoning, & Hypothesis and Some Self-Validation after evaluating these Screens

Tata Cliq
Flipkart Fashion
Bewakoof App

These Screenshots, helped me a lot, after Evaluating them- I came to know that it depends upon the Business where it wants to place a particular Recommendation Section according to its Metrics which they want to Consider to target.

1. The End-to-End User Flow of these Apps gave me insights about the- Where they are focusing to place the recommendation Section, and I got to know that- The Frequently Bought Together Feature is majorly on before Adding the Products to the Cart after adding the Cart, But What I did, I added this Feature on the Checkout Page. My Reasoning, Explanation, and Hypothesis are above, if you want to check them again🫣.

2. I got to know, that Some of these apps are missing the Add to Cart/Bag Option, or some of the apps just give an ➕(Button) to add products to the cart, these things helped me to understand the importance of Why to Add the Add to Bag Option/Button In the Product Card itself. Given Above is the explanation of the reasoning behind my hypothesis.

3. The ChatGPT really helped me to understand and Validate My Reasoning & hypotheses about that What can be the UI Flow? (Obviously, I’m very good at Prompt Engineering🤌)

After Doing, All these Research, Now I decided to Get My Hands Dirty on Low-Fidelity Prototype/Sketch (Given Below ⬇ )️

Paper Sketch

To High-Fidelity Prototype🤌

Final UI of the Feature- Frequently Bought Together Recommendation

Easing My Congnitive Load with the help of Component, Typography, Color Styles and Variants which helped me a lot, When I really Started working on the High-Fidelity Prototype!🤌

Design System of the NYKAA Fashion App🤌🫣
Components of the NYKAA Fashion App🤌🫣

Why Componentizing is important, I have learnt so much from this Product design Challenge of 48 Hours about the Components System!🫣

Consistency: Componentizing design elements and using color, typography, and style guides ensures a consistent & Stable user interface.
Efficiency: Reusing components saves time and effort in the design process for the Designers.
Scalability: Component-based design enables seamless adaptation to the different screen sizes and platforms which helps the Business to work effortlessly.
Collaboration: Components and style guides help a lot in effective collaboration among the designers, developers, and stakeholders which actually saves a lot of time.
Branding: Consistent use of color, typography, and styles reinforces the brand identity and it helps the business to grow in the long run with the trust of the User they get.
Time-saving: Reusing/Using Again and Again Components reduces the need for designing elements from scratch.


Due to this Project, I’ve immense knowledge about Product Use-Case, Business Metrics, and How to do Competitor Research and a lot of learnings. The Biggest Constraint was the Time of Just 48 hours, in which I let myself go into the Best Non-linear Way, I could ever Imagine, and literally, the Challenge helped me to evolve a lot about UX and UI, and I feel Iteration is the thing, you’ve got in your life as Product Designer Because Iterations are never-ending process and literally you can do iterations before doing Usability Testing, (Yes, I did this) and I’m literally proud of Myself for this much evolvement.

  1. Time as the Biggest Constraint- The moment the challenge started, I was worried only about the time, like How and from where to start the challenge.
  2. Usability Testing is very crucial for your Design to get validated- This thing- Validation is the most crucial thing which I lacked at the start, but talking with my friends about my design and then going for Usability Testing told me literally that sometimes too much change before getting the Feedback is also not good.
  3. Iteration is What You Need to Start focusing on more- Every time, whenever you feel, you can do better and do justice with your validation & of Your own Reasoning & Hypothesis.

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Email- uxvinayj@gmail.com




#uxdesign #productdesignchallenge #48hourhackathon



Vinay Juneja

Web-Designer ※ Official Verified @Framer Partner ※ @Framer No-Code Developer